Wauzeka, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can use the following information to learn about the Population & Steets of Wauzeka City, Wisconsin. You may use the map controls to pan and zoom. The information on the map is intended for informational purposes only. By submitting information, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Please consider using this information only for research purposes. The population of Wauzeka City is approximately 392 people. The city is located in the Wauzeka region of Wisconsin.

The map below shows the center of the major cities within 84 miles of Wauzeka, WI. You can also see the major cities nearby to find flights or book a road trip. Listed below are the cities nearest to Wauzeka, WI, as well as those closest to it. The information is updated monthly, so it's best to check the population and steets before making travel plans.

The chance of being burglarized in Wauzeka is 1 in 210 for the central areas, but it is 1 in 321 for the northwest portion. It's difficult to compare these crime rates because they differ widely in nature. In general, the south of the city is more crime-prone. In comparison, the southeast part of Wauzeka experiences 0 burglaries per year. It's important to remember that these crime rates aren't necessarily indicative of the risk of living in this part of Wauzeka.