Daniel, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick overview of the Population & Steets in Daniel city. This information is based on the most recent census data available. You will also find out how much the average person makes in Daniel City, Utah. The median income in Daniel is $71,250. For further information, see the population, household income, and poverty rates for the city. This data can be used to determine how affordable the housing market is in Daniel.

The Census and ESRI have data on renter occupied housing units for the city of Daniel. The Census reports that the total number of renter occupied housing units in Daniel is up 5% from 2015. There are 149 households in Daniel City and 143 in Hooper. In 2016, there were three evictions in Daniel. Among the evictions, only one in Daniel was for failure to pay rent.