Hulett, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with vital statistics about Hulett, WY. Its median annual income is $46,667, which is less than the average of $65,712 in the United States. Hulett, WY households make less than that, dropping by 0.709% from the previous year. You can also compare Hulett, WY's income to that of neighboring cities, Wyoming, or its parent geographies. The highest-paid residents are White, followed by Black workers.

The population of Hulett City, WY is 386 people, down from 394 in 2018. The median household income is $46,667. Hulett, WY is made up of 95% White (non-Hispanic) people. Other races and ethnicities make up 0.518% of the population. As of the last census, Hulett has a 100% US citizenship rate.

The number of households in Hulett, WY using various modes of transportation is ranked in the graph above. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to help you compare smaller means of commuting. Hulett, WY households have a majority of three cars or false cars. Hulett's median house value is $163,300. The median age of residents in Hulett is 41.4 years old, with males being 39.8 years old and females being 47.3 years old.