La Barge, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in La Barrge City? There are approximately 315 people living in La Barge, WY. The city's median property value is $89,000. Homeownership rates are around 64.3%. Most people in La Barge drive alone to work, and the median commute time is 20.8 minutes. The median property value is the same as the national average. La Barge, WY residents own two cars.

The median age of all people living in La Barge, WY is 35.6 years old. This figure includes both native and foreign-born residents. Compared to the population in the same city in 2018, La Barge, WY is growing older. The median age was 36 in 2018 and was 37 in 2019. The state's largest number of foreign-born population comes from Mexico, while Canada and China make up 10.3% of the city's civilian population.

The racial makeup of the population of La Barge is predominantly white (61.1%), followed by black (4.8%) and two or more people. This city has a much lower poverty rate than neighboring geographies, but still represents an economically significant community. Most residents are homeowners, and there's a strong homeownership rate. Approximately 72% of the La Barge population is employed, and only 6.3% of households have more than one income.