Rock River, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, the Population & Steets in Rock river City, WY was 204. The median property value was $72,100, and 67.8% of the households lived in a single-family home. Most people in Rock River, WY drove to work alone, with the average commute time being 31.8 minutes. Two cars were the most common mode of transportation, with an average of two cars per household.

The Rock Island/Milan School District serves most of the city, and the southwest portion is served by the Rockridge School District. Downtown Rock Island offers art galleries, theaters, coffee shops, and restaurants of all types. In addition, the Rock Island Arsenal has been manufacturing military equipment for the U.S. military since the 1880s. The Quad City Symphony Orchestra performs at Centennial Hall, which is located on Augustana College's campus.

The median household income in Rock River City was $34,728, while the per-capita income was $19,202. The median age was 36 years old, and the population was spread out between men and women. There were 14.8% of underage residents, and 8.1% of seniors. Overall, the population in Rock River City is fairly well-educated, but the low income levels of the community mean that many residents are living below the poverty line.