Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming is 51 years old, and is comprised of both native and foreign born residents. In 2019, the median age for the population of Star Valley Ranch was 51.3 years old. As with other Wyoming cities, the majority of the population was 51 years old. In terms of foreign born origin, the most common place of birth was Mexico, with 7,878 residents being from that country. Other countries of origin include Canada and China, with each contributing about 925 people living in the city.

The average family size in the City of Star Valley Ranch is 2.8, which is lower than the national average of five. Amongst the local cities, Star Valley Ranch is the second smallest in size, and has the third highest percentage of married couples. However, the median rent in Star Valley Ranch is $1300, making it slightly more affordable for a family. There are also ninety-nine percent of households with active broadband connections.

The most common employment sectors in Star Valley Ranch include Health Care & Social Assistance, Construction, and Retail Trade. However, residents of Star Valley Ranch may work in other locations. This is because census data is tied to a residential address. The median home value in Star Valley Ranch is $281,700, and it has lost 1.1% in value over the past ten years. So, if you are looking to move to Star Valley Ranch, it is a good idea to check the demographics of the city.