Worland, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Worland, WY is just over four thousand people. The city is located in Worland County, which is part of the Wyoming state. The median household income in Worland is $47,474, which is below the national average. While money isn't everything, residents of Worland earn less than those living in other parts of the city. Here's some interesting information to consider when determining the median household income in Worland.

The density of population is the number of people per square mile. Compare this number to the average population density for your state and country. See where Worland ranks in relation to these numbers and other cities nearby. For example, the population density is 595 per square mile in Worland while the population density in Lucerne is 1,497 per square mile. The ratio of married couples to total households in Worland is 69%.

The population of Worland is five thousand and four hundred, according to the 2010 census. It is located along the Big Horn River and is part of the Big Horn Basin. If you're planning to move to Worland, there are several hotels and motels available. You can choose from the Town House Motor Inn on 119 North 10th Street, the Pawnee Motel on 100 N Road 11, or Super 8 Motel of Worland WY at 2500 Big Horn Avenue.

The population of Worland is composed primarily of US citizens. Its percentage of people of other ethnicities is very low compared to its neighboring cities and parent cities. However, the city is home to many Vietnam Veterans. In addition to its citizens, Worland also has a large Vietnamese population. These people are known as "the Vietnamese" and they are among the most visible members of their community.